
Another Successful TGIF! Season on the Books

For 19 years, some of Santa Barbara’s finest environmental faces have packed into EDC’s courtyard to enjoy our TGIF!, one of the hottest nonprofit community events in the area. On three different warm Friday evenings this summer, 250-300 people joined us for a festive happy hour with delicious food, local wine and beer, a live band, and presentations from other environmental organizations in the community to make for another successful TGIF season.

The generosity of the community truly shines at these events as everything from the food, drink, music, and raffle items is donated, along with the more than 60 volunteers who give their time and hard work to make it all come together. Twelve local organizations sponsored the events this year, providing the lively attendees with updates on their work, actions the environmental community can take to help, and information on local environmental happenings.


The TGIF! season could not happen at all, however, without the generous support of our four season underwriters: SunRun, Accountability Plus, Allen Construction, and Swell Energy.  Their dedication and passion toward the preservation of our local environment and support of EDC’s mission led to an ideal partnership and enabled us to introduce new people and reach an even broader network. We are grateful for the beneficial work they continue to do, not just in our community, but throughout California and even across our nation.

It may feel like our TGIF! season wrapped up early this year, but that is because in lieu of our Fall Feast in October we are hosting an even bigger party—our 40th anniversary celebration at Soho Restaurant and Music Club on Saturday, October 7 at 6PM! Once again, a few hundred people will come together – alumni, donors, supporters, volunteers, and more – for dinner, a short program, and dancing and live music by Victor Vega and The Bomb. We hope to see you at this 70s theme party, but be sure to buy tickets now as we will sell out.


Thank you to all who came out to join us for another successful TGIF! happy hour season and we look forward to seeing you back in our courtyard next May!

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