
Celebrating Our Volunteers

edc-staff-thank-youToday is International Volunteer Day and on behalf of all the staff at the Environmental Defense Center, we would like to say thank you to our wonderful team of volunteers! Today is a celebration of the people who give their time, energy, and wisdom to projects and causes they care about, and the work we do at EDC simply would not be possible without our volunteers. This year over 150 volunteers contributed more than 1000 hours of their time to everything from serving food at events to creek cleanups to stuffing envelopes. Whether they were helping at our Green & Blue or TGIF events or supporting the office behind the scenes, their smiles and helping hands were so important and appreciated!

As a part of the EDC team, they played an important role in making 2016 a successful year for protecting the environment of the central coast. With their help EDC worked to obtain the first ever environmental review of offshore fracking, to prevent 144 new cyclic steam oil wells, and to protect our watersheds by removing more than 3,700 pounds of trash from our creeks, among many other successes. Now, more than ever, we must come together as a community to protect the central coast environment we hold so dearly, and our volunteers are an important pillar of that effort. 

We are so honored that our volunteers chose to dedicate their time, talent, and resources to EDC this year. We look forward to another great year ahead with this wonderful group of people!

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