More Mesa
- Goal: Ensuring permanent protection and public access on More Mesa
- Year Started: 1979
- Client: More Mesa Preservation Coalition

With sweeping ocean and mountain views, More Mesa is one of Santa Barbara’s largest and most intact open spaces south of the Gaviota Coast threatened by development. Its lush oak woodland, coastal bluffs, and creek lands have provided one of the best-loved recreational spots in Santa Barbara where visitors hike, bike, sunbathe, bird watch, and access the beach below this 300-acre mesa. EDC has represented several groups, including the More Mesa Preservation Coalition, and has successfully protected More Mesa from various development plans for more than 20 years.
During the spring of 2012, a new development proposal was presented that included 38 homes distributed around the Mesa, including the important west side and on the bluff. The development footprint would have intruded on some significant biological resources, including a wetland.
The property was subsequently sold to a Saudi real estate investor for $25 million and in spite of our efforts, to date we have been unable to learn of the new owner’s development plans. Nevertheless, we continue to work with our clients and the community to “Save More Mesa Forever,” thereby preserving historic public access and a unique coastal resource.