
NRG Withdraws Application for Puente Power Plant

December 7, 2018

Environmental Groups Celebrate Victory for Oxnard Coast

Oxnard, CA —  Today NRG withdrew its application to the California Energy Commission (“CEC”) for approval of the Puente Power Plant, which had been proposed for construction on the Oxnard coast. 

“NRG’s withdrawal of its application to build the Puente Power Plant is a tremendous victory for the community and the Oxnard coast,” exclaimed Linda Krop, Chief Counsel of the Environmental Defense Center.  The withdrawal of the Puente Power Plant comes after more than three years of opposition waged by the EDC and its clients, Sierra Club Los Padres Chapter, EDC, and Environmental Coalition of Ventura County, as well as other partner organizations. EDC and its clients were the first public intervenors in the CEC proceeding and provided expert testimony and volumes of evidence proving that the Puente Power Plant would cause irreversible harm to this coastal community and conflict with local and state law. “The withdrawal of the Puente Power Plant application is a major step forward in restoring the Oxnard coast and moving the region forward on a path to clean energy,” said Krop.

“We are thrilled that our coast will be saved from a fourth polluting fossil fuel power plant,” remarked Mike Stubblefield of the Sierra Club Los Padres Chapter.

“Our coast has been subject to more than its share of polluting power plants,” noted Janis McCormick, spokeswoman for the Environmental Coalition of Ventura County.  All three organizations have been long-time advocates for phasing out power plants on the Oxnard coast.

On October 5, 2017, the Energy Commission Committee issued a Statement recommending denial of the project due its significant environmental impacts and violations of local and state laws and regulations. The Statement reflected information that had been submitted by EDC regarding the project’s unavoidable impacts to coastal wetlands, habitats, and rare wildlife. The Statement also supported the community’s preference for clean energy sources and recommended an expedited study to analyze the feasibility of such alternatives. Subsequently, the Committee granted NRG’s request to suspend the proceedings pending consideration by Southern California Edison of a new procurement plan for the region.  According to NRG’s “Withdrawal of Application for Certification,” Edison’s recently approved Revised Moorpark Sub-Area Local Capacity Requirements Procurement Plan, NRG no longer sees a “viable path forward for the Puente Power Project.” As such, the application was withdrawn.


The Environmental Defense Center, a non-profit law firm, protects and enhances the local environment through education, advocacy, and legal action and works primarily within Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo counties. Since 1977, EDC has empowered community-based organizations to advance environmental protection. EDC’s focus areas include protection of the Santa Barbara Channel, ensuring clean water, preserving open space and wildlife, and addressing climate and energy. Learn more about EDC at www.EnvironmentalDefenseCenter.org.

The Sierra Club is a national, environmental organization that protects communities, wild places, and the planet. The Sierra Club Los Padres Chapter serves Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. Learn more about Sierra Club Los Padres Chapter at http://lospadres.sierraclub.org/

The Environmental Coalition of Ventura County is a confederation of citizens and local groups working together to protect the environment and the quality of life throughout Ventura County.


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