
Stop Goleta Beach from Washing to Sea

Evidence shows that seawall is harming Goleta Beach

For years, this community has been discussing the issue of the unpermitted seawall at Goleta Beach. Regardless of your position, it is clear that Goleta Beach is a treasure that all can rally behind. The magical combination of park and water, from the bike path to the sandy beach, speaks to all of us and reminds us the best of life is in Santa Barbara County.

The Coastal Commission is set to hear this issue Wednesday, May 13th, and EDC and our clients at Surfrider

Photo by Everett Lipman.

Photo by Everett Lipman.

Foundation want what everyone in this discussion wants – to protect both Goleta Beach and Goleta Beach Park. Unfortunately, there remain significant problems with the environmental document that Coastal Commission’s staff has recommended. And evidence submitted today by EDC and Surfrider proves that the western part of Goleta Beach is being eroded away by the unpermitted, environmentally-destructive rock seawall.

Part of this seawall is regularly exposed, and high tides ride right up to the wall, covering the sandy beach. There is in fact often no beach left at high tide, meaning people are forced to scramble up over the dangerous rock seawall and walk between cars in a parking lot just to continue their “beach” walk.

And habitat for rare shorebirds, grunion, and other wildlife is being lost due to the seawall.

So many people have dedicated themselves for so long to protecting Goleta Beach. This is the 11th hour – let’s get this right. Please help protect our most popular public beach.


1. Email the Coastal Commission and tell them to protect our beach from the seawall: [email protected]

Talking Points:

  • Coastal engineers and scientists tell us the rock seawall is already causing Goleta Beach to erode, harming public access, recreation, sand supply, and habitat.
  • There is no lateral access left at high tides. People are forced to walk over rocks and through the parking lot! This is not what we envision as a California coastal experience.
  • EDC and Surfrider have developed a scaled-back compromise plan which would remove the dangerous rocks where exposed and restore a larger, wider beach for people.
  • This plan was developed with the overarching goals of protecting the park and protecting the beach for future generations.
  • Please support this reasonable compromise to protect public access and restore our beach.

2. Attend the Coastal Commission hearing and speak up for Goleta Beach.

105 East Anapamu Street, 4th floor

May 13, 2015, 2pm – 5pm

For more information contact the EDC at (805)963-1622 or Brian Trautwein at [email protected].

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